art by Sam Lubicz

Silvia Tarozzi "Mi specchio e rifletto", Lyrics and Translations

I started to compose the songs included in this project many years ago, inspired by a book of poems by Italian poetress Alda Merini. The rhythm and sound of her poetry and her special voice (she was used to do readings of her poems, often recorded on video or broadcasted by the Italian television) suggested to me a musical translation. For copyright reasons I could not keep her poems, so I decided later to remove them keeping the music and starting by that to compose my own lyrics. What at the beginning was an hard obstacle became the opportunity to create something new and personal. The poetress is still present, as a subtle and underground track that guided me away.

In Alda Merini poems there is her life, her experiences of the asylum but also her everyday life, her experience of love, her lovers, her relationships and much more, all filtered by an acute and intense sensitivity and a particular awareness. What I did is to consider my life and particularly the years concerned by the compositions of the songs (2008 – 2019) like the subject on which to look and try to capture its emotions. In this time frame of my life I had a child, I got married, I lost my beloved grandparents, I moved between one country to another. Of course what it happened insight is a more complex story, as everyone knows, and that it was my source. The piece “xxx Anna” for example is dedicated to my grandmother that was a very special person, so clever and creative and fun and open mind and open heart. She knew how to love like few people can. The last few years a disease had caused a great confusion in her mind, but her wonder was intact inside her. Some songs are dedicated to my son, Romeo, or speak about the psychedelic experience of pregnancy that makes women (sometimes the future fathers too!) even more witches (wizards?) than usual! Intuition becomes powerful, the invisible world is revealed for moments, perceptions of mind and body are all amplified…a perfect time to create! And beside that a lot of new fears appear. “Al balcone” is a song about a custom of my land, in which old people sat alone on the balcony looking at those passing by on the street. They are observers and it is almost impossible to say who they are, what they think, what they really observe: action is no longer needed or no longer possible. The song “La forza del canto” is dedicated to Alda Merini, starting by her poem “I was born on the 21st at Spring” that is her self-portrait. It happens that March 21st is also my birthday and it happened that in 2008 a dear friend gave me a book of poems because of the coincidence and I felt a deep connection with that poem and I composed a music on it and I read more poems and continued to compose…and here’s how it happened!

I have to thank my husband Massimo that suggested me to record the songs in a time when I wouldn’t have done it otherwise. I also have a debt (which I will never pay) with my father who has largely contributed to financing this project and that I thank very much!

- Silvia Tarozzi

Al cancello

Deborah Walker, cello
Enrico Lazzarini, double-bass
Silvia Tarozzi, violins
Caterina Romano, flute, piccolo
Jessica Colarelli, clarinet

La forza del canto

Tu sei nata il 21 a primavera
ma non sapevi che il tuo bel suono
è un atto d’amore
è luce che precede il tuono.
E con la forza del canto
sei piovuta sui miei pensieri,
con l’anima fertile e viva
hai pronunciato il tuo nome
Tu sei nata il 21 a Primavera
la tua stagione era la nostra,
Proserpina lieve
sapevi scatenar tempesta.
E con la forza del canto
sei piovuta sui miei pensieri,
con l’anima fertile e viva
hai pronunciato il tuo nome.
Grazie per la tua voce.

You were born on the 21st of Spring
but you didn't know your beautiful sound
it is an act of love
it is light that precedes thunder.
And with the strength of singing
you rained on my thoughts,
with the fertile and living soul
you have given your name
You were born on the 21st of Spring
your season was ours,
Proserpina slight
you knew how to unleash a storm.
And with the strength of singing
you rained on my thoughts,
with the fertile and living soul
you have given your name.
Thank you for your voice.

Deborah Walker, cello
Enrico Lazzarini, double-bass
Silvia Tarozzi, violins, voice

La sostanza dell’affetto

Ah se solo vedessi
questa luce sottile
premere il suo colore sulle viole.
E superato il dolore,
frutto che non si coglie,
regalare il tuo bacio alla natura.
Oh se almeno sapessi
toccar con dita tenere il mio cuore,
quell’impazienza che mi agita il seno.
Posso entrare nel centro del tuo amore
senza toccar la pietra del corpo, scoglio,
più simile agli dei.
E svelare i tuoi chiusi paradisi
solo con la sostanza dell’affetto.

Ah if only you saw
this subtle light
press its color on the violets.
And overcome the pain,
fruit that can’t be caught,
give your kiss to nature.
Oh if you at least knew
How to touch with tender fingers my heart,
that impatience that shakes my breast.
Can I enter in the center of your love
without touching the body stone, rock,
more like the gods.
And reveal your closed paradises
only with the substance of affection.

Valentina Malanot, voice
Domenico Caliri, acustic guitar
Silvia Tarozzi, voice, casio sk-8, midi keyboards, slide

Mi specchio e rifletto

per occhi
per naso
per viso
Mi specchio e rifletto porzioni di me.

for eyes
for nose
for face
I mirror and reflect portions of me.

Silvia Tarozzi, voice


Smettila di ascoltarli
ti sfrutteranno
ti sfrutteranno

Stop listening to them
they will exploit you
they will exploit you

Silvia Tarozzi, keyboards, voice

Hai nella bocca un silenzio

Hai nella bocca un silenzio che si apre in forma di
Il tuo sentimento intrappolato nei denti trova voce,
libero di mostrare la sua croce.
È quindi il momento di gettare oltre gli ostacoli la tua
voglia d’amare.

You have a silence in your mouth that opens in the form
of a song.
Your feeling trapped by your teeth finds a voice,
free to show his cross.
It is therefore time to throw your will to love beyond

Edoardo Marraffa, tenor and sopranino saxophone
Domenico Caliri, electric guitar
Silvia Tarozzi, keyboards, voice


Spazio, spazio,
spiego le ali ed esco,
dentro il fresco respiro della notte
trovo spazio.
Chiuso il senso al giorno,
scivolando sopra un flusso incerto,
per saltare il fosso della più timida mente.
Spazio, spazio,
piego le gambe e tuffo.
Alta nell’aria colora,
guardandomi negli occhi,
una nuovissima aurora.

Space, space,
I spread my wings and go out,
inside the cool breath of the night
I find space.
Closed sense a day,
slipping over an uncertain flow,
to jump the ditch
of the most timid mind.
Space, space,
I bend my legs and dive.
High in the air colors,
looking into my eyes,
It shines,
a brand new aurora.

Silvia Tarozzi, violins, keyboards, piano, voice


Domenico Caliri, electric guitars
Silvia Tarozzi, keyboards

…e non volevi le ali

Silvia Tarozzi, casio sk-8, field recordings,

Che cos’è una primavera

Ho trovato dentro un raggio di sole
il nome di un fiore;
piccolo e silenzioso inganno,
nascondi negli occhi un sorriso.
Vedo scendere la nera,
minuscola forma di un ragno
mi offre la primavera
della sua lucida seta.
Oddio, vertiginoso,
incantevole abbaglio…
Ti abbraccerò incontrandoti,
mio complice destino
e il tuo serissimo sguardo
lo porterò nel mio grembo.
Sentirai il calore di quel sole
che sempre abbaglia la nostra idea
di cosa sia una primavera.

I found in a ray of sunshine
the name of a flower;
small and silent hoax, hide a smile
in your eyes.
I see the black, tiny form of a spider descend,
It offers me spring
of its shiny silk.
Oh, God
enchanting blunder ...
I will hug you by meeting you,
my accomplice destiny
and your very serious sight
I'll carry it in my womb.
You will feel the warmth of that sun
that always dazzles our idea
what a Spring is.

Deborah Walker, cello
Enrico Lazzarini, double-bass
Silvia Tarozzi, violins, voice

Siedimi accanto

Siedimi accanto
e canto un canto d’amore per te.
Ora che siamo da soli,
se vuoi,
io ti canto un canto e dico quel che sento.
Stasera la tua voce era diversa
il senso dei pensieri rovesciava,
avevi per la scienza del mio cuore
l’esatto suono di un verso d’amore.
Siedimi accanto,
e canto un canto d’amore per te.
Ora che siamo da soli,
se vuoi,
io ti canto un canto e dico quel che sento.

Sit next to me
and I sing a love song for you.
Now that we're alone,
if you want,
I sing you a song and I say what I feel.
Tonight your voice was different
the sense of thoughts turned,
you had for the science of my heart
the exact sound of a verse of love.
Sit next to me,
and I sing a love song for you.
Now that we're alone,
if you want,
I sing you a song and I say what I feel.

Edoardo Marraffa, tenor saxophone
Domenico Caliri, electric guitar
Silvia Tarozzi, violin, voice


Vincenzo Vasi, electric bass
Silvia Tarozzi, violin, accordion

Al balcone

Siede un omino azzurro
nell’ombra di un balcone,
in un gesto d’amore
e per sentire il calore
offre le gambe al sole.
Non ha più nulla da dire,
affonda nel petto un saluto,
non ha più armi ma ha vita.
Sta lì, con le mani
strofinate dal tempo,
a guardare.
la Terra.

A small blue man sits
in the shadow of a balcony,
in a gesture of love
and to feel the heat
offers his legs to the sun.
He has nothing more to say,
a greeting sinks in his chest,
it has no more weapons but has life.
He stands there with his hands
rubbed by time,
the earth.

Edoardo Marraffa, tenor and sopranino saxophone
Domenico Caliri, electric guitar
Silvia Tarozzi, voice

Sembra neve

Sembra neve non è,
sciolgo in un bacio per te
il bianco ricordo di un bel sole
che scalda e non fa male.
Vieni a schiuderti nel mio campo
fiore che ti illumini al giorno:
hai negli occhi il bel tempo, la voglia e l’impazienza,
lo stupore di chi si dona al mondo.

It looks like snow, is not,
I melt in a kiss for you
the white memory of a beautiful sun
that warms and doesn’t hurt.
Come to flourish in my field
flower that light you up for the day,
you have beautiful weather, desire and impatience, in
your eyes,
the wonder of those who give themself to the world.

Valentina Malanot, voice
Edoardo Marraffa, tenor saxophone
Enrico Lazzarini, double-bass
Tiziano Popoli, piano
Silvia Tarozzi, field recordings, keyboards, voice
Fragments from Phonèmes by Raoul Hausmann

Parlavi di un bambino

Parlavi di un bambino nella mia vita
con gli occhi antichi e scuri,
di un amore che non teme l’inverno.
Parlavi di un bambino
che ci scoppiasse nel petto!
Avevi un sogno
che tu credevi sicuro.
Cercavo un tempo, la mia stagione,
il più bel riscatto della vita.
Poi sei venuto tu
che sei un amore
e vuoi vedere il mare

You were talking about a child in my life
with old and dark eyes,
of a love that does not fear winter.
You were talking about a child
that would burst in our chest!
You had a dream
that you believed sure.
I was looking for a time, my season,
the most beautiful redemption of life.
Then you came
you are a love
and you want to see the sea

Caterina Romano, flutes
Enrico Lazzarini, double-bass
Silvia Tarozzi, violins, voice

xxx Anna

All text and music by Silvia Tarozzi

Artwork by Sam Lubicz, from photos by Silvia Tarozzi and Massimo Miola

Recorded and pre-mixed by Enzo Cimino between December 2015 and February 2016 at Vignola (home studio) and Bologna (SoundLab studio) and by Tiziano Popoli in January 2019 at Vignola (Popoli home studio), Italy.

Mixed and mastered by Bob Drake between June 2016 and October 2019 at Studio Midi-Pyrénées, La Borde Basse (Caudeval), France. “Mi specchio e rifletto” and “Anna”, mixed by Silvia Tarozzi in April 2019.

Other thanks: to all the musicians and people who participated to this project, to friends who supported me during the long process making me feel confident despite the hurdles, particularly to Valentina, Simone, Giovanna, Vittorio, Loredana, and to all my family.

Dedicated to Romeo Celeste